The Sunny Lane Project

The Sunny Lane Project
May 2010

Friday, June 17, 2011

Loving Our Home Today

Maybe it's because I hosted a dinner party last night or it's because there are beautiful flowers on my dining room table perking up the place but I'm just loving the house today. So much so that I didn't leave it at all.

I began the day pulling weeds on the south side of the house. I hope I'm not too late to save the daffodils I believe are growing over there. The weeds were plentiful and the ants, even more so.

Before the end of the day our friend Lee stopped over to bring some fresh picked raspberries off his bush and to plant a sunflower plant for us. I can't wait for it to grow like crazy! The yard has a LONG way to go but I did make a dent in the weeds this week.

Anyway, all this love for our home made me take some more pictures. The only new thing you'll see is the couch below. Scott drove to Zeeland, MI a few weekends ago to pick it up. Zeeland is also the home of the Herman Miller furniture manufacturer. He was stoked.

Our new Eames Sofa Compact for the "family room"(we aren't sure what to call the room):

Backing up a bit to include the table:

A close up of the pattern:

I know the bedroom furniture was in the last post but those weren't such great photos. Not that these are very much better...but maybe a little:

Three of the 4 pieces:

(Still need new bedding. It's on the list.)

A close up of the bottom of the dresser (Soho made by Copeland):

And, finally, the room I was really loving today: The dining room.
The view from the entry way into the living/dining area (with my birthday present globe in the foreground):

And the table with the pretty flowers given to me at the dinner party last night:

(Nothing on the walls yet. We can't decide!)

The light fixture is from the house Scott grew up in. It's one of the only things he's carried around with him everywhere he's gone.

Scott cut a tree down in our front yard. It blocked the coolest part of the house - the garage windows. I agree you can see the coolness factor of our house better without the tree but I haven't come to terms with it being gone yet. It was a pretty little tree. Maybe the next update I'll photograph the outside.

Happy weekend everyone!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bedrooms & Blinds

I'm thrilled to announce that the LAST BIT of construction cardboard has been pulled up from the floor. The remaining bit covered the floor in our master bedroom. We didn't have furniture to put in there and we hadn't picked a paint color and it just wasn't a priority. However, we stumbled on a major deal and wound up buying a new bedroom set and mattress. A much needed mattress, I might add.

We also had blinds installed throughout the living, dinning, kitchen area.

For your viewing pleasure (sorry they are just iphone photos):

Sun room blinds:

Half opened, the way we normally keep them:

As you walk in to the guest room:

New guest room dresser (and purple wall):

Final look of the corner:

The bed area (we already had this furniture & we'll get a duvet eventually):

Putting the new bed together:

All put together:

Close photo of new dresser/green wall:

Master Bedroom dresser & green wall:

Bed and a bit of the night stand:

Pippet enjoying her new bed:

Master bedroom sheets and duvet coming along with a dual blind. And we'll need a rug.

And at some point we'll get to that guest bath and the basement project. It really does feel like a home now!

And, I want to mention that all this has happened while I've been out of town for work. Awesome props to my husband for making it awesome. I can't WAIT to get home!